How To Optimise Your Nightly Routine


They say the secret to success comes from your daily routine. However, your routine before bed is just as important. Creating a nightly routine is ideal for a better nights sleep, feeling less cranky in the morning and thinking sharper and boosting productivity the next day.

 Here are a few ways on How To Optimise Your Nightly Routine

Reflect on how your day went
Read a chapter of your book
Meal prep for the next day
Tidy your room
Do a skincare routine (incl. lip balm)
Turn off bright lights and use lamps
Do some stretches
Practice breathing exercises
Drink calming tea such as camomile
Have a warm bubble bath
Listen to music (preferably music that helps you relax)
Practice meditation
Journal your thoughts
Write a gratitude list
Put on sleep music
Put your phone away an hour before going to sleep

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